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Our engagements


 bluechemGROUP facilitates access to  drinking water in China.
  Social commitment is a natural act within
 bluechemGROUP. One of the aid projects in the past years was to improve
 access to drinking water in western China.
 In partnership with bluechem Asia, a donation of 120 000 euros was given to finance the drilling of 5cc-75c wells and the installation of 90cc-75c -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_filtration systems.
2 euro cents per product vendu par bluechemGroup are donated to the Humanitarian Project Support Fund.

BluechemGroup facilité l'accès à leau potable dans les pays  en voie de developpement

Bluechem France

Donateur auprès de ces différentes fondations pour financer des actions humanitaires.

Donateur Programme Alimentaire Mondial
Donateur Croix Rouge Française
Donnateur Programma alimentaire
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